Manifesto for the disappearance of the arts in spanish education #MuseumWeek #secretsMW

Manifesto for the disappearance of the arts in education (Pedro Villarrubia in Discentia)
"Get out the art outside schools, institutes, universities, are all the education centers equal, productive, take each subject his plot of wisdom and distribute it to your liking, but do not touch at all the art, aesthetics, beautiful or ugly, irritating or ambiguous, the creative or emotional. Keep it all out of education." 
Manifesto that honors the Dada Manifesto by Tristan Tzara. According to the author "this manifesto comes from irritation of an education bill that makes optional the art education of children and, if it does not officially, sheds art outside schools, leaving the culture and the future creation to commercial canned goods ready to be consumed and not thought-out nor criticized. "

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